This is for all of you "Frugalistas" out there who don't want to compromise your family's health to save a buck! It has become my passion to live the best life I can without spending a fortune. I want to help you do the same. I loves me some coupons, but half of them need to be thrown in the trash with the food they're meant for! Let's learn to save in places we can, so we can spend where we need to!

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Happy First Birthday Domestic Frugalista!!

I can't believe it's been a year since I started this little project!  I have loved every moment of it!  I have always been a Frugalista and after spending hour upon hour sharing tips and how-tos with people, I decided this would be an easier way to share!  It has grown and thrived and I can't tell you how much joy it brings me to help you all. 

These days are tough!  I know first hand, believe me.  My husband was laid off last May {shortly after I started this little project} and it's been a wild road.  I have to give all the glory to God.  Without Him, we wouldn't be where we are today.  I feel like He has supplied me with this tool to help get us through!  Using coupons and a lot of the deals I share with you every day, have helped us tremendously.  We seriously would have been living on bread and water if it wasn't for coupons!!  I can't tell you how many times I only had about $20 to get us food and was able to go load up my cart with what I would normally pay $100 for and was able to walk away with extra!  I hope that this blog has helped you all too!

My husband now has a job {an awesome one}!  We are in the process of packing up our little family and moving down to Southern California!  It is scary, exciting, nerve wracking, fun, stressful... you name it!  But we know this is where the Lord is leading us and we are very at peace with it. 

Thank you all for joining me in this adventure!  Let's help eachother save money and have some fun!  Happy Birthday Domestic Frugalista!

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